IMPRINT Published by RAPUNZEL Eine Welt Bio-Stiftung (One World Organic Foundation) Rapunzelstr. 1 87764 Legau Germany E-Mail: Editorial Holger Epp Picture credits Fides 20, Göttingen pfl anzt 22, 23 (r), GWEFODE 12 (r), Hekima Girls’ Secondary School 17 (l), Tobias Klaus 16, Nicole León 11 (l), 31, Live-giving Forest 4 (l.), 10, 13 (r), Netzwerk Biodynamische Bildung 4 (r), 7 (l), RAPUNZEL Eine Welt Bio- Stiftung 18, 19, Rapunzel Naturkost 1, 3, 6, 7 (r), 9, 11 (r), 17 (r), 21, 23 (l), 24, Sativa Rheinau 8, Stiftung Stay 12 (l), Bente Stachowske 14, 15, Timbaktu Collective 13 (l) Design VIERPUNKT GmbH, Legau Print Uhl-Media GmbH, Bad Grönenbach Produced with environmentally friendly printing on 100 % recycling paper using mineral oil-free, eco-friendly printing inks and chemical- and water-free printing plate production. Climate neutral print production. ©RAPUNZEL One World Organic Foundation, September 2024