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Your support has an effect

The RAPUNZEL One World Organic Foundation is committed to the further development of organic farming, social initiatives and education – particularly in countries of the Global South – as well as nutrition and health. You can support our projects with a donation.

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Donation account of the RAPUNZEL One World Organic Foundation

Landesbank Baden-Württemberg
IBAN: DE44 6005 0101 0004 1028 49

To receive a donation receipt, please be sure to include your name and address in the reference field or contact us directly. Many thanks!
Life-giving Forest e.V.
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© Life-giving Forest e.V.

Donation receipt

We will be happy to issue you with a donation receipt for donations of 20 euros or more. Please enter your name and address in the reason for payment.

We will send your donation receipt by post after the end of the respective calendar year at the latest.

Alternatively, for donations of up to 300 euros, you can simply submit a bank statement or your booking confirmation to the tax office as a donation receipt.

Thank you very much for your support!

Thank you for your support

We would sincerely like to thank all private and corporate donors! It is thanks to your generous support for a sustainable world that we are able to implement these projects for people, plants, animals and the environment. Every donation makes a difference and has an effect.

A selection of our corporate donors:
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Logo Organix
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© 2025 RAPUNZEL Eine Welt Bio-Stiftung (One World Organic Foundation)