Forest kindergartens in the region
Forest and nature kindergartens offer children a wide breadth of experience over the entire cycle of the year. The RAPUNZEL One World Organic Foundation therefore supports nature education centres in the Allgäu and Upper Swabia.
In 2022 and 2023 the RAPUNZEL One World Organic Foundation supported five nature education institutions in its region, the Allgäu, and neighbouring Upper Swabia with a donation at the end of the year. It is intended to facilitate the individual annual planning of the respective organisation.
The foundation will continue its commitment to forest and nature kindergartens in the region.
“Especially in times when more and more is happening online, it is so valuable for children to be able to playfully discover, explore and create outdoors in nature,” explains Rosalie Dorn, member of the foundation’s Executive Board. “We therefore value forest kindergartens as a wonderful development space for children. Anyone who is allowed to gain these experiences through play will take responsibility for the environment and act sustainably much more naturally as an adult.”
“Children are not played with in our centres. Instead, they learn to play freely with everything they find in nature. It opens up a whole new world through play, there are no limits to creativity,” emphasises Monika Schneider, head of the nature kindergarten in the municipality of Kisslegg – a motivation and an experience shared by other nature education facilities.
The RAPUNZEL One World Organic Foundation has supported these kindergartens to date
- 2024
Waldkindergarten Hochdorf (Landkreis Biberach; Träger: Gemeinde Hochdorf)
Waldkindergarten Weiler-Simmerberg (Landkreis Lindau; Träger: Westallgäuer Waldkindergarten e.V.)
Bauernhofkindergarten Löwenzahnkinder (Landkreis Oberallgäu; Träger: Kita Natura)
Waldkindergarten Sulzberg (Landkreis Oberallgäu; Träger: h&b learning)
Naturkindergarten am Biberhof (Landkreis Oberallgäu; Träger: BUND Naturschutz)
Waldkindergarten Kempten (Stadt Kempten im Allgäu; Förderverein des Waldkindergartens Kempten e. V.)
Walderlebniskindergarten Rieder (Landkreis Ostallgäu; Träger: Stadt Marktoberdorf)
Städtischer Waldkindergarten Bad Wurzach (Landkreis Ravensburg; Träger Stadt Bad Wurzach)
DRK Waldkindergarten Fichtezäpfle (Landkreis Ravensburg; Träger: Deutsches Rotes Kreuz)
Waldkindergarten Füchse Türkheim (Landkreis Unterallgäu; Träger: Waldfüchse Waldkindergarten e.V.) - 2023
Forest kindergarten Durach (district of Oberallgäu, sponsor: h&b learning)
Forest kindergarten Röthenbach (district of Lindau, sponsor: Westallgäuer Waldkindergarten e.V.)
Naturkindergarten Kissegg (district of Ravensburg, sponsor: Municipality of Kisslegg)
Erolzheimer Waldkindergarten Hollerbusch e.V. (district of Biberach)
Waldkindergarten Purzelbaum Marktoberdorf (district of Ostallgäu, sponsor: City of Marktoberdorf) - 2022
Waldkinder Bad Grönenbach e.V. (district of Unterallgäu)
DRK Waldkindergarten Leutkirch (district of Ravensburg, sponsor: German Red Cross)
Integrative forest kindergarten Ottobeuren (district of Unterallgäu, sponsor: Aktion LebensTräume e. V.)
Waldkindergarten Buchenberg Allgäuer Waldwichtel e. V. (district of Oberallgäu)
Waldkindergarten “Die Waldschnecken” Obergünzburg (district of Ostallgäu, sponsor: Administrative community of Obergünzburg)
Monika Schneider, Leiterin des Naturkindergartens der Gemeinde Kißlegg
Albina Beckmann, Gründerin des Waldkindergartens Kempten
Alfred Heller, Leiter des Waldkindergartens Sulzberg
Vertreterinnen des Waldkindergartens Hochdorf
Katrin Scheuermann, Leiterin des Waldkindergartens Durach
Karin Stuber, Leiterin des Waldkindergartens Hollerbusch in Erolzheim
Donation account of the
RAPUNZEL One World Organic Foundation
Landesbank Baden-Württemberg
IBAN: DE44 6005 0101 0004 1028 49
Name and address in the reason for payment
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